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GDPR & Risk

In today’s digital age, the protection of personal data stands paramount. Our approach to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is intricately woven into our mission—ensuring that every decision made not only adheres to legal standards but also upholds the rights and dignity of every individual in our community. To this end, the Trust employs a dedicated Data Protection Officer (DPO) through SBM Services, complemented by a GDPR Lead within our central team. This specialised support extends across each school, exemplifying our commitment to privacy, security, and compliance at every level.

Moreover, we engage in regular internal and external GDPR audits, commissioned to rigorously assess and enhance our data protection measures. This proactive stance underscores the seriousness with which we approach GDPR compliance, reflecting our broader ethos of setting benchmarks in educational innovation, where learner privacy and security are safeguarded with unwavering integrity.

Aligning with the principles laid out in UNICEF's Rights of the Child, we ensure every learner within our Trust is seen, heard, and valued, with their rights to privacy, protection, and education at the forefront of our digital practices. By intertwining our GDPR compliance with these universal rights, we reaffirm our dedication to fostering an environment that is not only secure but also nurturing and empowering.


We adopt the Information and Records Management Society - United Kingdom's guidance on records retention, the most up to date version can be found here:


Our DPIA refer to wyburns for context but apply to all of our schools. 



Risk in our Trust is taken very seriously. Our dedicated risk administrator oversees the process, supporting the school in making risk real and manageable. Our Risk management process is outlined below. 

We hold regular LSB risk forums and have a robust risk and audit committee.  

Risk is a standing agenda item. 

Risks are moderated across the trust, but the risk administrator, CEO, and CFOO. Ensure a consistent risk appetite is maintained. 

Please see the attached risk documents for more information on how we manage and approach risk.